
  • LanguageModel


  • Parameters

    • id: string

      the unique id for this language model. It will be used to identify the model in the UI.

    • model: string

      the unique model name as used in the Ollama environment.

    • host: (() => undefined | string)
        • (): undefined | string
        • Returns undefined | string

    • Optional defaultRequestSettings: {
          [key: string]: unknown;

      optional default settings for requests made using this model.

      • [key: string]: unknown

    Returns OllamaModel


DEFAULT_REQUEST_SETTINGS: Partial<Omit<ChatRequest, "stream" | "model">> = ...
defaultRequestSettings?: {
    [key: string]: unknown;

optional default settings for requests made using this model.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: unknown
host: (() => undefined | string)

Type declaration

    • (): undefined | string
    • Returns undefined | string

id: string

the unique id for this language model. It will be used to identify the model in the UI.

model: string

the unique model name as used in the Ollama environment.

providerId: "ollama" = 'ollama'
vendor: string = 'Ollama'


  • Parameters

    • request: LanguageModelRequest
    • Optional cancellationToken: CancellationToken

    Returns Promise<LanguageModelResponse>