Class FrontendApplication



backendStopwatch: BackendStopwatch
commands: CommandRegistry
corePreferences: CorePreferences
keybindings: KeybindingRegistry
layoutRestorer: ShellLayoutRestorer
stopwatch: Stopwatch
tooltipService: TooltipService
windowsService: WindowService



  • Attach the application shell to the host element. If a startup indicator is present, the shell is inserted before that indicator so it is not visible yet.


    • host: HTMLElement

    Returns void

  • Let the frontend application contributions initialize the shell layout. Override this method in order to create an application-specific custom layout.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Return an HTML element that indicates the startup phase, e.g. with an animation or a splash screen.


    • host: HTMLElement

    Returns undefined | HTMLElement

  • If a startup indicator is present, it is first hidden with the theia-hidden CSS class and then removed after a while. The delay until removal is taken from the CSS transition duration.


    • host: HTMLElement

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Start the frontend application.

    Start up consists of the following steps:

    • start frontend contributions
    • attach the application shell to the host element
    • initialize the application shell layout
    • reveal the application shell if it was hidden by a startup indicator

    Returns Promise<void>