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Class JsonRpcProxyFactory<T>

Factory for JSON-RPC proxy objects.

A JSON-RPC proxy exposes the programmatic interface of an object through JSON-RPC. This allows remote programs to call methods of this objects by sending JSON-RPC requests. This takes place over a bi-directional stream, where both ends can expose an object and both can call methods each other's exposed object.

For example, assuming we have an object of the following type on one end:

class Foo {
bar(baz: number): number { return baz + 1 }

which we want to expose through a JSON-RPC interface. We would do:

let target = new Foo()
let factory = new JsonRpcProxyFactory<Foo>('/foo', target)

The party at the other end of the connection, in order to remotely call methods on this object would do:

let factory = new JsonRpcProxyFactory<Foo>('/foo')
let proxy = factory.createProxy();
let result = proxy.bar(42)
// result is equal to 43

One the wire, it would look like this:

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "bar", "params": {"baz": 42}}
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": 43}

Note that in the code of the caller, we didn't pass a target object to JsonRpcProxyFactory, because we don't want/need to expose an object. If we had passed a target object, the other side could've called methods on it.

Type Parameters

  • T extends object

    The type of the object to expose to JSON-RPC.


  • JsonRpcProxyFactory


  • ProxyHandler<T>




onDidCloseConnectionEmitter: Emitter<void> = ...
onDidOpenConnectionEmitter: Emitter<void> = ...
rpcDeferred: Deferred<RpcProtocol>
rpcProtocolFactory: RpcProtocolFactory = defaultRpcProtocolFactory
target?: any


  • Create a Proxy exposing the interface of an object of type T. This Proxy can be used to do JSON-RPC method calls on the remote target object as if it was local.

    If T implements JsonRpcServer then a client is used as a target object for a remote target object.

    Returns JsonRpcProxy<T>

  • deserializeError(capturedError: Error, e: any): any
  • get(target: T, p: PropertyKey, receiver: any): any
  • Get a callable object that executes a JSON-RPC method call.

    Getting a property on the Proxy object returns a callable that, when called, executes a JSON-RPC call. The name of the property defines the method to be called. The callable takes a variable number of arguments, which are passed in the JSON-RPC method call.

    For example, if you have a Proxy object:

    let fooProxyFactory = JsonRpcProxyFactory<Foo>('/foo')
    let fooProxy = fooProxyFactory.createProxy()

    accessing fooProxy.bar will return a callable that, when called, executes a JSON-RPC method call to method bar. Therefore, doing fooProxy.bar() will call the bar method on the remote Foo object.


    • target: T


    • p: PropertyKey

      The property accessed on the Proxy object.

    • receiver: any


    Returns any

    A callable that executes the JSON-RPC call.

  • isNotification(p: PropertyKey): boolean
  • Return whether the given property represents a notification.

    A property leads to a notification rather than a method call if its name begins with notify or on.


    • p: PropertyKey

      The property being called on the proxy.

    Returns boolean

    Whether p represents a notification.

  • onNotification(method: string, ...args: any[]): void
  • onRequest(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>
  • Process an incoming JSON-RPC method call.

    onRequest is called when the JSON-RPC connection received a method call request. It calls the corresponding method on target.

    The return value is a Promise object that is resolved with the return value of the method call, if it is successful. The promise is rejected if the called method does not exist or if it throws.


    • method: string
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns Promise<any>

    A promise of the method call completion.

  • serializeError(e: any): any
  • waitForConnection(): void