Emit when a new widget is created.
Retrieves all open widgets that have been opened by this handler.
all open widgets for this open handler.
Closes all widgets that have been opened by this open handler.
the close options that should be applied to all widgets.
a promise of all closed widgets that resolves after they have been closed.
Tries to get an existing widget for the given uri.
the uri of the widget.
a promise that resolves to the existing widget or undefined
if no widget for the given uri exists.
Return an existing widget for the given uri or creates a new one.
It does not open a widget, use {@link WidgetOpenHandler#open} instead.
uri of the widget.
a promise of the existing or newly created widget.
Open a widget for the given uri and options. Reject if the given options are not widget options or a widget cannot be opened.
the uri of the resource that should be opened.
the widget opener options.
promise of the widget that resolves when the widget has been opened.
The widget open handler id.
to avoid exposing capabilities to create a widget outside ofWidgetManager