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Class PreferenceProvider Abstract

The PreferenceProvider is used to store and retrieve preference values. A PreferenceProvider does not operate in a global scope but is configured for one or more PreferenceScopes. The (default implementation for the) PreferenceService aggregates all PreferenceProviders and serves as a common facade for manipulating preference values.






_ready: Deferred<void> = ...
deferredChanges: undefined | PreferenceProviderDataChanges
fireDidPreferencesChanged: ((...arguments: []) => Promise<boolean>) = ...

Type declaration

    • (...arguments: []): Promise<boolean>
    • Debounce promise-returning & async functions.

      import pDebounce = require('p-debounce');

      const expensiveCall = async input => input;

      const debouncedFn = pDebounce(expensiveCall, 200);

      for (const i of [1, 2, 3]) {
      //=> 3
      //=> 3
      //=> 3


      • Rest ...arguments: []

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      A function that delays calling fn until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was called.

onDidPreferencesChanged: Event<PreferenceProviderDataChanges> = ...
onDidPreferencesChangedEmitter: Emitter<PreferenceProviderDataChanges> = ...
preferenceOverrideService: PreferenceLanguageOverrideService
toDispose: DisposableCollection = ...


  • get ready(): Promise<void>


  • dispose(): void
  • get<T>(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string): undefined | T
  • Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resource URI.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • preferenceName: string

      the preference identifier.

    • Optional resourceUri: string

      the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This is used to retrieve a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example files.encoding.

    Returns undefined | T

    the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri if it exists, otherwise undefined.

  • getConfigUri(resourceUri?: string, sectionName?: string): undefined | URI
  • Retrieve the configuration URI for the given resource URI.


    • Optional resourceUri: string

      the uri of the resource or undefined.

    • Optional sectionName: string

      the section to return the URI for, e.g. tasks or launch. Defaults to settings.

    Returns undefined | URI

    the corresponding resource URI or undefined if there is no valid URI.

  • getContainingConfigUri(resourceUri?: string, sectionName?: string): undefined | URI
  • Retrieves the first valid configuration URI contained by the given resource.


    • Optional resourceUri: string

      the uri of the container resource or undefined.

    • Optional sectionName: string

    Returns undefined | URI

    the first valid configuration URI contained by the given resource undefined if there is no valid configuration URI at all.

  • getDomain(): undefined | string[]
  • getParsedContent(jsonData: any): {}
  • getPreferences(resourceUri?: string): {}
  • Resolve the value for the given preference and resource URI.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • preferenceName: string

      the preference identifier.

    • Optional resourceUri: string

      the URI of the resource for which this provider should resolve the preference. This is used to retrieve a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example files.encoding.

    Returns PreferenceResolveResult<T>

    an object containing the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri if it exists, otherwise undefined.

  • setPreference(key: string, value: any, resourceUri?: string): Promise<boolean>
  • Stores a new value for the given preference key in the provider.


    • key: string

      the preference key (typically the name).

    • value: any

      the new preference value.

    • Optional resourceUri: string

      the URI of the resource for which the preference is stored.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    a promise that only resolves if all changes were delivered. If changes were made then implementation must either await on this.emitPreferencesChangedEvent(...) or this.pendingChanges if changes are fired indirectly.

  • deepEqual(a: undefined | JSONValue, b: undefined | JSONValue): boolean
  • merge(source: undefined | JSONValue, target: JSONValue): JSONValue