Class SecondaryWindowHandler

Offers functionality to move a widget out of the main window to a newly created window. Widgets must explicitly implement the ExtractableWidget interface to support this.

This handler manages the opened secondary windows and sets up messaging between them and the Theia main window. In addition, it provides access to the extracted widgets and provides notifications when widgets are added to or removed from this handler.



_widgets: ExtractableWidget[] = []

List of widgets in secondary windows.

applicationShell: ApplicationShell
keybindings: KeybindingRegistry
messageService: MessageService
onDidAddWidget: Event<[Widget, Window]> = ...

Subscribe to get notified when a widget is added to this handler, i.e. the widget was moved to an secondary window .

onDidAddWidgetEmitter: Emitter<[Widget, Window]> = ...
onDidRemoveWidget: Event<[Widget, Window]> = ...

Subscribe to get notified when a widget is removed from this handler, i.e. the widget's window was closed or the widget was disposed.

onDidRemoveWidgetEmitter: Emitter<[Widget, Window]> = ...
onWillAddWidget: Event<[Widget, Window]> = ...

Subscribe to get notified when a widget is added to this handler, i.e. the widget was moved to an secondary window .

onWillAddWidgetEmitter: Emitter<[Widget, Window]> = ...
onWillRemoveWidget: Event<[Widget, Window]> = ...

Subscribe to get notified when a widget is removed from this handler, i.e. the widget's window was closed or the widget was disposed.

onWillRemoveWidgetEmitter: Emitter<[Widget, Window]> = ...
secondaryWindowService: SecondaryWindowService

