A tab bar renderer that offers a context menu. In addition, this renderer is able to set an explicit position and size on the icon and label of each tab in a side bar. This is necessary because the elements of side bar tabs are rotated using the CSS transform property, disrupting the browser's ability to arrange those elements automatically.


  • Renderer
    • TabBarRenderer



_tabBar?: TabBar<Widget>
commandService?: CommandService
contextKeyService?: ContextKeyService
contextMenuPath?: MenuPath

The menu path used to render the context menu.

contextMenuRenderer?: ContextMenuRenderer
corePreferences?: CorePreferences
decorations: Map<Title<Widget>, core.Data[]> = ...
decoratorService?: TabBarDecoratorService
hoverService?: HoverService
iconThemeService?: IconThemeService
selectionService?: SelectionService
toDispose: DisposableCollection = ...
toDisposeOnTabBar: DisposableCollection = ...



  • Generate ID for an entry in the tab bar


    • title: Title<Widget>

      Title of the widget controlled by this tab bar

    • isPartOfHiddenTabBar: boolean = false

      Tells us if this entry is part of the hidden horizontal tab bar. If yes, add a suffix to differentiate it's ID from the entry in the visible tab bar

    Returns string

    DOM element ID

  • Find duplicate labels from the currently opened tabs in the tab bar. Return the appropriate partial paths that can distinguish the identical labels.

    E.g., a/p/index.ts => a/..., b/p/index.ts => b/...

    To prevent excessively long path displayed, show at maximum three levels from the end by default.


    • titles: Title<Widget>[]

      Array of titles in the current tab bar.

    Returns Map<string, string>

    A map from each tab's original path to its displayed partial path.

  • Get the class of an icon.


    • iconName: string | string[]

      The name of the icon.

    • additionalClasses: string[] = []

      Additional classes of the icon.

    Returns string

  • If size information is available for the icon, set it as inline style. Tab padding is also considered in the top position.


    • data: SideBarRenderData

      Data used to render the tab icon.

    • Optional isInSidePanel: boolean

      An optional check which determines if the tab is in the side-panel.

    Returns VirtualElement

  • If size information is available for the label, set it as inline style. Tab padding and icon size are also considered in the top position.


    • data: SideBarRenderData

      Data used to render the tab.

    • Optional isInSidePanel: boolean

      An optional check which determines if the tab is in the side-panel.

    Returns VirtualElement

    The virtual element of the rendered label.

  • Render tabs with the default DOM structure, but additionally register a context menu listener.


    • data: SideBarRenderData

      Data used to render the tab.

    • Optional isInSidePanel: boolean

      An optional check which determines if the tab is in the side-panel.

    • Optional isPartOfHiddenTabBar: boolean

      An optional check which determines if the tab is in the hidden horizontal tab bar.

    Returns VirtualElement

    The virtual element of the rendered tab.