Class ToolbarAwareTabBar

Specialized scrollable tab-bar which comes with toolbar support. Instead of the following DOM structure.

+-------------------------+ |[TAB_0][TAB_1][TAB_2][TAB| +-------------Scrollable--+

There is a dedicated HTML element for toolbar which does not contained in the scrollable element.

+-------------------------+-----------------+ |[TAB_0][TAB_1][TAB_2][TAB| Toolbar | +-------------Scrollable--+-Non-Scrollable-+

Hierarchy (view full)



_dynamicTabOptions?: core.Options
breadcrumbsContainer: HTMLElement
breadcrumbsRenderer: BreadcrumbsRenderer
breadcrumbsRendererFactory: BreadcrumbsRendererFactory
contentContainer: HTMLElement
isMouseOver: boolean = false
needsRecompute: boolean = false
openTabsContainer: HTMLDivElement
openTabsRoot: Root
pendingReveal?: Promise<void>
scrollBar?: PerfectScrollbar
scrollBarFactory: (() => PerfectScrollbar)

Type declaration

    • (): PerfectScrollbar
    • Returns PerfectScrollbar

tabBarToolbarFactory: (() => TabBarToolbar)

Type declaration

tabBarToolbarRegistry: TabBarToolbarRegistry
tabSize: number = 0
toDispose: DisposableCollection = ...
toolbar: undefined | TabBarToolbar
topRow: HTMLElement



  • Restructures the DOM defined in PhosphorJS.

    By default the tabs (li) are contained in the this.contentNode (ul) which is wrapped in a div (this.node). Instead of this structure, we add a container for the this.contentNode and for the toolbar. The scrollbar will only work for the ul part but it does not affect the toolbar, so it can be on the right hand-side.

    Returns void

  • Restructures the DOM defined in PhosphorJS.

    By default the tabs (li) are contained in the this.contentNode (ul) which is wrapped in a div (this.node). Instead of this structure, we add a container for the this.contentNode and for the toolbar. The scrollbar will only work for the ul part but it does not affect the toolbar, so it can be on the right hand-side.

    Returns void