
  • CommandContribution
  • KeybindingContribution



editorManager: EditorManager
envVariablesServer: EnvVariablesServer
externalTerminalPreferences: ExternalTerminalPreferenceService
externalTerminalService: ExternalTerminalService
labelProvider: LabelProvider
quickPickService: QuickPickService
workspaceService: WorkspaceService


  • Open a native console on the host machine.

    • If multi-root workspace is open, displays a quick pick to let users choose which workspace to spawn the terminal.
    • If only one workspace is open, the terminal spawns at the root of the current workspace.
    • If no workspace is open and there is an active editor, the terminal spawns at the parent folder of that file.
    • If no workspace is open and there are no active editors, the terminal spawns at user home directory.

    Returns Promise<void>