Class GitExecProvider

Provides an execution function that will be used to perform the Git commands. This is the default, NOOP, provider and always resoles to undefined.

If you would like to use, for instance, Git over SSH, you could rebind this default provider and have something like this:

export class GitSshExecProvider extends GitExecProvider {

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
protected deferred = new Deferred<any>();

protected init(): void {

protected async doInit(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await new SSH().connect({
host: 'your-host',
username: 'your-username',
password: 'your-password'
const { stdout } = await connection.execCommand('which git');
process.env.LOCAL_GIT_PATH = stdout.trim();

async exec(): Promise<IGitExecutionOptions.ExecFunc> {
const connection = await this.deferred.promise;
const gitPath = process.env.LOCAL_GIT_PATH;
if (!gitPath) {
throw new Error("The 'LOCAL_GIT_PATH' must be set.");
return async (
args: string[],
options: { cwd: string, stdin?: string },
callback: (error: Error | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void) => {

const command = `${gitPath} ${args.join(' ')}`;
const { stdout, stderr, code } = await connection.execCommand(command, options);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null
let error: Error | null = null;
if (code) {
error = new Error(stderr || `Unknown error when executing the Git command. ${args}.`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
(error as any).code = code;
callback(error, stdout, stderr);

dispose(): void {
// Dispose your connection.
this.deferred.promise.then(connection => {
if (connection && 'dispose' in connection && typeof connection.dispose === 'function') {



  • Disposable





  • Provides a function that will be used to execute the Git commands. If resolves to undefined, then the embedded Git executable will be used from dugite.

    Returns MaybePromise<undefined | ExecFunc>