Contains coverage metadata for a file.


  • Parameters

    • uri: Uri

      Covered file URI

    • statementCoverage: TestCoverageCount

      Statement coverage information. If the reporter does not provide statement coverage information, this can instead be used to represent line coverage.

    • Optional branchCoverage: TestCoverageCount

      Branch coverage information

    • Optional declarationCoverage: TestCoverageCount

      Declaration coverage information

    • Optional includesTests: TestItem[]

      Test cases included in this coverage report, see includesTests

    Returns FileCoverage


branchCoverage?: TestCoverageCount

Branch coverage information.

declarationCoverage?: TestCoverageCount

Declaration coverage information. Depending on the reporter and language, this may be types such as functions, methods, or namespaces.

includesTests?: TestItem[]

A list of test cases that generated coverage in this file. If set, then TestRunProfile.loadDetailedCoverageForTest should also be defined in order to retrieve detailed coverage information.

statementCoverage: TestCoverageCount

Statement coverage information. If the reporter does not provide statement coverage information, this can instead be used to represent line coverage.

uri: Uri

File URI.
