Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc.


  • Creates a new symbol information object.


    • name: string

      The name of the symbol.

    • kind: SymbolKind

      The kind of the symbol.

    • containerName: string

      The name of the symbol containing the symbol.

    • location: Location

      The location of the symbol.

    Returns SymbolInformation

  • Creates a new symbol information object.


    • name: string

      The name of the symbol.

    • kind: SymbolKind

      The kind of the symbol.

    • range: Range

      The range of the location of the symbol.

    • Optional uri: Uri

      The resource of the location of symbol, defaults to the current document.

    • Optional containerName: string

      The name of the symbol containing the symbol.

    Returns SymbolInformation


    Please use the constructor taking a location object.


containerName: string

The name of the symbol containing this symbol.

The kind of this symbol.

location: Location

The location of this symbol.

name: string

The name of this symbol.

tags?: readonly Deprecated[]