Properties Protected Readonly breakpointsbreakpoints: BreakpointManager
Protected Readonly connection Factoryconnection
: ( ( sessionId
: string ) => Promise < PluginChannel > ) Protected Readonly debug Contribution Providerdebug Contribution Provider: ContributionProvider < DebugContribution >
Protected Readonly debug Preferencesdebug Preferences: DebugPreferences
Protected Readonly editor Managereditor Manager: EditorManager
Protected Readonly file Servicefile Service: FileService
Protected Readonly label Providerlabel Provider: LabelProvider
Protected Readonly messagesmessages: MessageClient
Protected Readonly output Channel Manageroutput Channel Manager: OutputChannelManager
Protected Readonly terminal Options ExtProtected Readonly terminal Serviceterminal Service: TerminalService
Protected Readonly workspace Serviceworkspace Service: WorkspaceService
Session factory for a client debug session that communicates with debug adapter contributed as plugin. The main difference is to use a connection factory that creates Channel over Rpc channel.