The name of the child logger.
Log a loggable with the debug level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the debug level if it is enabled.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Log a loggable with the error level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the error level.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Log a loggable with the fatal level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the fatal level if it is enabled.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Get the log level.
a Promise to the log level.
Resolve if the debug level is enabled.
Resolve if the given log is enabled.
Resolve if the error level is enabled.
Resolve if the fatal level is enabled.
Resolve if the info level is enabled.
Resolve if the trace level is enabled.
Resolve if the warn level is enabled.
Log a loggable with the info level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the info level if it is enabled.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Test whether the debug level is enabled.
Test whether the given log level is enabled.
Test whether the error level is enabled.
Test whether the fatal level is enabled.
Test whether the info level is enabled.
Test whether the trace level is enabled.
Test whether the warn level is enabled.
Log a loggable with the given level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the given level if it is enabled.
The loglevel to use.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Set the log level.
Log a loggable with the trace level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the trace level if it is enabled.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Log a loggable with the warn level if it is enabled.
Log a message with the warn level if it is enabled.
The message format string.
The format string variables.
Create a child logger from this logger.