Interface StatusBarEntry

interface StatusBarEntry {
    accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation;
    affinity?: StatusBarAffinity;
    alignment: StatusBarAlignment;
    arguments?: unknown[];
    backgroundColor?: string;
    className?: string;
    color?: string;
    command?: string;
    name?: string;
    onclick?: ((e) => void);
    priority?: number;
    text: string;
    tooltip?: string | MarkdownString | HTMLElement;


accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation
arguments?: unknown[]
backgroundColor?: string
className?: string
color?: string
command?: string
name?: string
onclick?: ((e) => void)

Type declaration

    • (e): void
    • Parameters

      • e: MouseEvent

      Returns void

priority?: number
text: string

For icons we use Codicons by default, and Font Awesome icons will also be respected. You can find Codicon classnames here: You can find Font Awesome classnames here:

Codicon: $() or $(codicon-)

Font Awesome: $(fa-)

To use animated icons use the following pattern: $(iconClassName~typeOfAnimation) Type of animation can be either spin or pulse. Look here for more information to animated icons:

tooltip?: string | MarkdownString | HTMLElement