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Interface FileSystemProviderWithFileReadWriteCapability

Subtype of FileSystemProvider that ensures that the optional functions, needed for providers that should be able to read & write files, are implemented.


Implemented by



The FileSystemProviderCapabilities for this provider.

onDidChangeCapabilities: Event<void>

Event that is fired if the capabilities of this provider have changed.

onDidChangeFile: Event<readonly FileChange[]>

Event that is fired if a (watched) file in the filesystem of this provider has changed.

onFileWatchError: Event<void>

Event that is fired if an error occurred when watching files in the filesystem of this provider.


  • access(resource: URI, mode?: number): Promise<void>
  • close(fd: number): Promise<void>
  • Delete the given resource.


    • resource: URI

      The URI of the resource to delete.

    • opts: FileDeleteOptions

      Options to define if files should be deleted recursively and if the trash should be used.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • fsPath(resource: URI): Promise<string>
  • mkdir(resource: URI): Promise<void>
  • Create a new directory using the given resource uri.


    • resource: URI

      The URI of the new folder.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • read(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): Promise<number>
  • readFile(resource: URI): Promise<Uint8Array>
  • Read the contents of the given file as stream.


    • resource: URI

      The URI of the file.

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

    The ReadableStreamEvents for the readable stream of the given file.

  • readFileStream(resource: URI, opts: FileReadStreamOptions, token: CancellationToken): ReadableStreamEvents<Uint8Array>
  • readdir(resource: URI): Promise<[string, FileType][]>
  • Retrieve the content of a given directory.


    • resource: URI

      The URI of the directory.

    Returns Promise<[string, FileType][]>

    A map containing the FileType for each child resource, identified by name.

  • Rename a file or folder.


    • from: URI

      URI of the existing file or folder.

    • to: URI

      URI of the target location.

    • opts: FileOverwriteOptions

      Options to define if existing files should be overwritten.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • stat(resource: URI): Promise<Stat>
  • Watch the given resource and react to changes by firing the {@link FileSystemProvider#onDidChangeFile} event.


    • resource: URI

      URI of the resource to be watched.

    • opts: WatchOptions

      Options to define if the resource should be watched recursively and to provide a set of resources that should be excluded from watching.

    Returns Disposable

    A Disposable that can be invoked to stop watching the resource.

  • write(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): Promise<number>
  • writeFile(resource: URI, content: Uint8Array, opts: FileWriteOptions): Promise<void>
  • Write data to a file, replacing its entire contents.


    • resource: URI

      The uri of the file.

    • content: Uint8Array

      The new content of the file.

    • opts: FileWriteOptions

      Options to define if the file should be created if missing and if an existing file should be overwritten.

    Returns Promise<void>