Interface WorkingDirectoryStatus

interface WorkingDirectoryStatus {
    aheadBehind?: {
        ahead: number;
        behind: number;
    branch?: string;
    changes: GitFileChange[];
    currentHead?: string;
    exists: boolean;
    incomplete?: boolean;
    upstreamBranch?: string;


aheadBehind?: {
    ahead: number;
    behind: number;

Wraps the ahead and behind numbers.

Type declaration

  • ahead: number
  • behind: number
branch?: string

The optional name of the branch. Can be absent.

changes: GitFileChange[]

An array of changed files.

currentHead?: string

The hash string of the current HEAD.

exists: boolean

true if the repository exists, otherwise false.

incomplete?: boolean

true if a limit was specified and reached during get git status, so this result is not complete. Otherwise, (including undefined) is complete.

upstreamBranch?: string

The name of the upstream branch. Optional.