Interface FileSystemWatcher

A file system watcher notifies about changes to files and folders on disk.

To get an instance of a FileSystemWatcher use workspace.createFileSystemWatcher createFileSystemWatcher.

interface FileSystemWatcher {
    ignoreChangeEvents: boolean;
    ignoreCreateEvents: boolean;
    ignoreDeleteEvents: boolean;
    onDidChange: Event<Uri>;
    onDidCreate: Event<Uri>;
    onDidDelete: Event<Uri>;
    dispose(): void;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


ignoreChangeEvents: boolean

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores change file system events.

ignoreCreateEvents: boolean

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores creation file system events.

ignoreDeleteEvents: boolean

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores delete file system events.

onDidChange: Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder change.

onDidCreate: Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder creation.

onDidDelete: Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder deletion.
