Interface TextEditor

Represents a text editor. To close editor use 'workbench.action.closeActiveEditor' command.

interface TextEditor {
    document: TextDocument;
    options: TextEditorOptions;
    selection: Selection;
    selections: readonly Selection[];
    viewColumn: undefined | ViewColumn;
    visibleRanges: readonly Range[];
    edit(callback, options?): Thenable<boolean>;
    hide(): void;
    insertSnippet(snippet, location?, options?): Thenable<boolean>;
    revealRange(range, revealType?): void;
    setDecorations(decorationType, rangesOrOptions): void;
    show(column?): void;

Implemented by


document: TextDocument

The document associated with this text editor. The document will be the same for the entire lifetime of this text editor.

Text editor options.

selection: Selection

The primary selection on this text editor. Shorthand for TextEditor.selections[0].

selections: readonly Selection[]

The selections in this text editor. The primary selection is always at index 0.

viewColumn: undefined | ViewColumn

The column in which this editor shows. Will be undefined in case this isn't one of the main editors, e.g. an embedded editor, or when the editor column is larger than three.

visibleRanges: readonly Range[]

The current visible ranges in the editor (vertically). This accounts only for vertical scrolling, and not for horizontal scrolling.


  • Perform an edit on the document associated with this text editor.

    The given callback-function is invoked with an edit-builder which must be used to make edits. Note that the edit-builder is only valid while the callback executes.


    • callback: ((editBuilder) => void)

      A function which can create edits using an edit-builder.

    • Optional options: {
          undoStopAfter: boolean;
          undoStopBefore: boolean;

      The undo/redo behavior around this edit. By default, undo stops will be created before and after this edit.

      • undoStopAfter: boolean
      • undoStopBefore: boolean

    Returns Thenable<boolean>

    A promise that resolves with a value indicating if the edits could be applied.

  • Insert a snippet and put the editor into snippet mode. "Snippet mode" means the editor adds placeholders and additional cursors so that the user can complete or accept the snippet.


    • snippet: SnippetString

      The snippet to insert in this edit.

    • Optional location: Range | Position | Range[] | Position[]

      Position or range at which to insert the snippet, defaults to the current editor selection or selections.

    • Optional options: {
          undoStopAfter: boolean;
          undoStopBefore: boolean;

      The undo/redo behavior around this edit. By default, undo stops will be created before and after this edit.

      • undoStopAfter: boolean
      • undoStopBefore: boolean

    Returns Thenable<boolean>

    A promise that resolves with a value indicating if the snippet could be inserted. Note that the promise does not signal that the snippet is completely filled-in or accepted.