Interface ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

interface ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions {
    backgroundColor?: string | ThemeColor;
    border?: string;
    borderColor?: string | ThemeColor;
    color?: string | ThemeColor;
    contentIconPath?: string | Uri;
    contentText?: string;
    fontStyle?: string;
    fontWeight?: string;
    height?: string;
    margin?: string;
    textDecoration?: string;
    width?: string;


backgroundColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

border?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

borderColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

color?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

contentIconPath?: string | Uri

An absolute path or an URI to an image to be rendered in the attachment. Either an icon or a text can be shown, but not both.

contentText?: string

Defines a text content that is shown in the attachment. Either an icon or a text can be shown, but not both.

fontStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

fontWeight?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

height?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

margin?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

textDecoration?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

width?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.