interface TypeHierarchyItem {
    children?: TypeHierarchyItem[];
    data?: any;
    deprecated?: boolean;
    detail?: string;
    kind: SymbolKind;
    name: string;
    parents?: TypeHierarchyItem[];
    range: Range;
    selectionRange: Range;
    uri: string;


children?: TypeHierarchyItem[]

If this type hierarchy item is resolved, it contains the direct children of the current item. Could be empty if the item does not have any descendants. If not defined, the children have not been resolved.

data?: any

An optional data field can be used to identify a type hierarchy item in a resolve request.

deprecated?: boolean

true if the hierarchy item is deprecated. Otherwise, false. It is false by default.

detail?: string

Optional detail for the hierarchy item. It can be, for instance, the signature of a function or method.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of the hierarchy item. For instance, class or interface.

name: string

The human readable name of the hierarchy item.

parents?: TypeHierarchyItem[]

If this type hierarchy item is resolved, it contains the direct parents. Could be empty if the item does not have any direct parents. If not defined, the parents have not been resolved yet.

range: Range

The range enclosing this type hierarchy item not including leading/trailing whitespace but everything else like comments. This information is typically used to determine if the clients cursor is inside the type hierarchy item to reveal in the symbol in the UI.

selectionRange: Range

The range that should be selected and revealed when this type hierarchy item is being picked, e.g the name of a function. Must be contained by the range.

uri: string

The URI of the text document where this type hierarchy item belongs to.