Type alias DockerfileContainer

DockerfileContainer: {
    build: {
        context?: string;
        dockerfile: string;
    } & BuildOptions;
    [k: string]: unknown;
} | {
    build?: {
        args?: {
            [k: string]: string;
        cacheFrom?: string | string[];
        target?: string;
        [k: string]: unknown;
    context?: string;
    dockerFile: string;
    [k: string]: unknown;

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: unknown
  • build: {
        context?: string;
        dockerfile: string;
    } & BuildOptions

    Docker build-related options.

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: unknown
  • Optional build?: {
        args?: {
            [k: string]: string;
        cacheFrom?: string | string[];
        target?: string;
        [k: string]: unknown;

    Docker build-related options.

    • [k: string]: unknown
    • Optional args?: {
          [k: string]: string;

      Build arguments.

      • [k: string]: string
    • Optional cacheFrom?: string | string[]

      The image to consider as a cache. Use an array to specify multiple images.

    • Optional target?: string

      Target stage in a multi-stage build.

  • Optional context?: string

    The location of the context folder for building the Docker image. The path is relative to the folder containing the devcontainer.json file.

  • dockerFile: string

    The location of the Dockerfile that defines the contents of the container. The path is relative to the folder containing the devcontainer.json file.