Clients implement this interface if they want to contribute to the toolbar of chat nodes.
bind(ChatNodeToolbarActionContribution).toDynamicValue(context => ({ getToolbarActions: (args: RequestNode | ResponseNode) => { if (isResponseNode(args)) { return [{ commandId: 'core.about', icon: 'codicon codicon-feedback', tooltip: 'Show about dialog on response nodes' }]; } else { return []; } }})); Copy
bind(ChatNodeToolbarActionContribution).toDynamicValue(context => ({ getToolbarActions: (args: RequestNode | ResponseNode) => { if (isResponseNode(args)) { return [{ commandId: 'core.about', icon: 'codicon codicon-feedback', tooltip: 'Show about dialog on response nodes' }]; } else { return []; } }}));
Clients implement this interface if they want to contribute to the toolbar of chat nodes.